Fish Database

I collected these photographs over many years from a variety of locations, including the Carribbean, the New York area, the outer banks of North Carolina, the St. Lawrence River, Florida, Newfoundland, the Pacific northwest, Micronesia and southern California. I have done my best to confirm the identity of each species, using printed sources, online resources and the wisdom of many helpful experts in the field. I have included my best image of each species, although some are represented by several examples to show detail, intermediate phases or other variants. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image, the scientific name of the species and the location where the photo was taken.

-Michael Rothschild
Yellowtail Reeffish
Yellowtail Reeffish
Yellowtail Reeffish
Yellowtail Reeffish
Yellowtail Scad
Yellowtail Scad
Yellowtail Scad
Yellowtail Scad
Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail Snapper