Mike's Genealogy Site

Moses Bloom was born Moses Tresczcanski in the town of Goniadz in Poland. He immigrated to America in 1890, where he ran a delicatessen on the lower east side of New York City. He was also a Bal Korah (a bible reader) and a lay cantor, leading congregations in Poland and in the United states.

The video in the window above was filmed by his son, Dave Bloom (my grandfather), during the high holy day services on Dave's farm in Norwood, New Jersey, in the early 1920s. The soundtrack is from a recording made by Moses in a studio, just prior to his death in 1934.

The audio in the player window below is excerpted from a 1985 interview that I did with Dave. These parts were about his father's early life, his life after emigrating to New York City, and about Dave's trip to Goniadz in 1923.